2023-06-27 GitLab 16.1 brings a lot of new features. Try it.

2023-03-13 Disk storage was upgraded, occasional issues with NFS should be fixed.
2022-05-17 Whole cluster was updated to Debian 11.
2022-05-09 The computing part of our cluster is powered off due to major failure of air-conditioner (storage is still available). After repair of air-conditioner, whole cluster will be upgraded to Debian 11 and new version of PBS.
2021-03-23: Due to security issue in Linux kernel SFTP access to tilia-nfs
is temporarily suspended. For now connect via SFTP to front-end tilia
. SFTP access to tilia-nfs
will be re-enabled as soon as there is fix availble.
2020-11-11: On 21. 11. 2020 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM whole cluster will be due to revision of the electricity transformer station (and subsequent electricity supply interruption) powered down, all services will be unavailable.
2020-09-24: Cluster was upgraded to Debian 10.
2020-07-24: GitLab was moved to new virtual server, we now have higher performance (more CPU as well as memory) and more disk space (2 TB).
2020-06-20: Switch of the information web into this DokuWiki.

2020-06-01: We launched our own
GitLab, a complete DevOps platform.
2020-05-25: In cluster draba we have problems with some disks. Draba1 wil be powered down, draba3 will run with limited disk array. We are waiting for new disks.
2020-04-14: We now have two file servers available, increasing security of accessing data on the storage.
2020-04-06: Cluster is out of operation due to fixing management of disk array.
2020-02-18: New cluster
vinca was launched.
2020-01-09: There will be upgrade of the cluster during January 14—16 2020. There will be 4 new computing nodes added, the disk array will be enlarged and there will be needed changes in the configuration, including hardware maintenance. The time of the outage might be prolonged.
2019-11-18: As at Friday November 22nd 2019 the power supply company will reconstruct electric distributor and there will be power outage in part of Průhonice between ca 8:00 AM and 11:30 AM, the cluster will stay turned off until Friday noon.
2019-11-11: Due to reconstruction of electricity network in server room, the cluster will be shut down November 12 from 5 PM for about an hour.
2019-11-09: Due to reconstruction of the server room, the cluster will be shutdown November 18–20.
2019-11-05: Launched
e-mail conference for informing and discussion about the cluster and data storage.
2019-10-30: Presentation from seminar introducing new cluster.
2019-10-17: Official starting up of the cluster.