Back to [[en:bu-metacentrum-vyuziti|the Institute of Botany & MetaCentrum, usage of the computing resources]] and see also [[en:prace|work on the cluster]]. ====== Access to the computing cluster of IBOT for employees and collaborators ====== - Complete [[|the application for the MetaCentrum]] (you can register under any organization, not solely IBOT). - Join the **ibot** group by contacting the [[en:spravci-podpora|cluster’s administrator]]. Membership of this group is not mandatory for using the computing resources, but grants a higher priority. - It is recommended that computational tasks are prepared on the [[|frontend]] node '''' (alias ''''), although this is not a requirement. - Data can be stored on the [[en:datove-uloziste|Průhonice data storage]] (again not a requirement) at ''/storage/pruhonice1-ibot/''. - At submission to the computing queue, by adding to the ''qsub'' command the ''-q ibot'' parameter, the analysis will be carried on our cluster, e.g. ''qsub -l walltime=1:0:0 -q ibot -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=1gb:scratch_local=1gb -m abe''. Employees and students from other organizations can submit tasks and run [[|any applications]] on the Průhonice cluster using the same [[|requesting commands]] and following the same [[|rules]] as for any other node in the MetaCentrum. ===== Login into MetaCentrum infrastructure ===== All logins intro MetaCentrum infrastructure, including [[|application]] (and e.g. [[|ownCloud]] or [[|FileSender]]) use [[|EduID]]: {{ :eduid.png?600 |EduID}} After finding and selecting Institute of Botany, the user is redirect to page requesting loging with institutional credentials. Domain user name and password (Active Directory) are used as ''name.surname'' (**without** ''''): {{ :login.png?600 |Login}} In case of problems with login contact [[|IT helpdesk]].